
We at Musqlar™ pride ourselves in producing athleisure sportswear that shows your pride in building quality muscle. The Musqlar brand was created to showcase and represent the hard work athletes put forth into building a solid body that is bigger, faster and stronger.

The vision became reality in 2015, when our founder, during a training session at the gym noticed that people with differing backgrounds, levels of fitness and goals shared a common goal: each wanted to build quality muscle. No matter the level of athleticism, beginning to professional, we each are working to achieve greatness in our bodies and lives.

The brand Musqlar™ was created to not only empower and educate, but it also represents a vision that keeps dreams and goals alive. These principles are what drives the brand and slogan "Fortify the Dream- Defend the Goal". “Fortify the Dream”: to strengthen and protect all that you are and all that you stand for—"Defend the Goal”: to keep reaching for your goals no matter what obstacles life puts in your way.

Fortify the dream. Defend the goal.
— Kareem Bennett, MUSQLAR CEO