Somatotypes: What is Your Body Type?

What body type are you?

How can you tell?

Before you start your training and nutrition regimen, it’s a good idea to figure out your body type. Knowing which of the three basic body types you’re closest to will help you tailor your diet and exercise plan to meet your needs, and set realistic, attainable goals that pave the way to your success.

What does my body type mean?

There are three basic human body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph.

Despite what it may feel like, you are not completley bound to one single category. Below is an outline of each body type and what classifies each one.


An ectomorph tends to be thin and struggles to gain weight, as either body fat or muscle due to their fast metabolism. Ectomorphs are more likely to have lean builds, with long limbs and small muscle stomachs. They can eat piles of food and stay looking the same , even when gaining muscular weight is their biggest goal.

People who battle to gain muscle are often known as “hardgainers”. Workouts should be short and intense focusing on big muscle groups. Even if an ectomorph manages to put on weight, they may still look skinnier than they are, particularly in the calves and forearms.

Being an ectomorph doesn’t mean they’re doomed to be weak. They can still be remarkably strong, and every bit as fit as someone who looks larger and more muscular. However, if they want to gain weight, they’d better be prepared to eat like they’ve never eaten before.

  • Small frame and bone structure

  •  Classic “hardgainer”

  •  Flat chest

  •  Small shoulders

  •  Thin

  •  Lean muscle mass

  •  Finds it hard to gain weight

  •  Fast metabolism


For an Ectomorph it’s recommended that you eat lots of protein and carbs, regularly lift heavy with good form, and limit aerobic activity. Just because you’re thin doesn’t mean you’re healthy, so take your diet and fitness seriously!

Check out these Recommended Workouts for Ectomorphs:


The mesomorph has a muscular build that takes the best of both worlds. They tend to have wide shoulders, a narrow waist, and great bone structure. In short, if you’re a mesomorph, you have a natural tendency to be fit and relatively muscular.

Does this mean they can do nothing, eat everything, and get away with it forever? Definitely not—and they’re not necessarily healthier than the other two types, either.

The downside to mesomorphs is they gain fat more easily than ectomorphs. This means they must watch their calorie intake. While mesomorphs respond well to weight training, usually a combination of weight training and cardio works best for mesomorphs.

They may be able to “bounce back” from being out of shape more easily than the other two body types—gaining muscle and burning fat with comparative ease.

They are naturally strong which is the perfect platform for building muscle.

  •  Athletic

  •  Generally hard body

  •  Well defined muscles

  •  Rectangular shaped body

  •  Strong

  •  Gains muscle easily

  •  Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs


For a Mesomorph lift moderate weight on a regular basis, and engage in aerobic activities regularly. Don’t worry about getting bulky, but watch out for creeping fat gains. You’re not invincible to them!

Check out these Recommended Workouts for Mesomorphs:

Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower (P.H.U.L.) Workout

Michael B. Jordan Inspired Workout: Train Like Black Panthers Killmonger:

10 Week Mass Building Program:

Fast Mass Program: The 4 Day Superset Split Workout:

6 Day Push, Pull, Legs Powerbuilding Split & Meal Plan:


The endomorph body type is solid and strong but tends to gain weight easily. Their muscular build is a little wider than that of a mesomorph or ectomorph; with a thick ribcage, wide hips, and thick arms and legs.

Endomorphs have strong muscular upper legs making it easier to do leg exercises like squats. They may have more muscle than either of the other body types, but they often struggle to gain it without accompanying body fat. This definitely doesn’t mean that an endomorph can’t be healthy. They can be every bit as strong, healthy, and capable as the other two groups, and may actually have some strength advantages due to their additional muscle mass. But, when they decide to lean out, it’ll take hard work!

  •  Strongest of the three

  •  Gains muscle and fat very easily

  •  Stocky build

  •  Broad physique

  •  Finds it hard to lose fat

  •  Slow metabolism

  •  Hard to maintain muscles definition


As an Endomorph you may benefit from using moderate weights and maintaining a relatively fast training pace. Getting your heart pumping daily with some form of activity is a good idea for both health and calorie burn. If you find yourself doing lots of work and still gaining weight, the answer is probably in the kitchen.

Check out these Recommended Workouts for Endomorphs:

12 Week Fat Destroyer: Complete Fat Loss Workout Diet Program:

The AMRAP Bodybuilding Workout for Muscle Mass:

10 Weeks to Shredded: Maximize Your Fat Loss with this Workout:

Get RIPPED: 3 Day Workout Split Plus Cardio Routine:

The Ripped Freak Training Program:

A Combination of Body Types:(IN-BETWEENERS)  

These body types aren’t set in stone. In fact, most people have a combination of two body types.

These combinations are either ectomorph/mesomorph or mesomorph/endomorph.

An ectomorph might have naturally huge arms and self-identify as a mesomorph but be a hard gainer everywhere else. In this case, the basic rules of training for ectomorphs should still be followed, with a de-emphasis on upper arm isolation, in favor of compound exercises, if balance is one of the goals.

Likewise, a mesomorph with naturally skinny arms might accidentally, in service to bulking-up those arms, pack on extra torso weight where it’s not wanted. Even endomorphs might have slightly thinner legs and tighter glutes than usual for their body type, viewing themselves as mesomorphs and gobbling down carbs without worry, with a dietary intake more fitting to the slimmer athlete. It is not uncommon to find a pure mesomorph to gain weight like an endomorph.

So which body type are you? Using the information above, try to identify your body type or combination body type. Once you do so, you will want to optimize your diet and training to suit your goals. One final point I want to mention is that no matter your body type, you can build a big, ripped, muscular physique. Even the skinniest of people can bulk up. Yes, it’s harder but if you’re willing to put in the hard work, anything is possible.

If all else fails, pick a macronutrient split that you like (like 45% Carb/30% Protein/ 25% Fat), and adjust based on how you react (e.g. if you’re tired during the day, eat more carbs, but if you’re tired immediately after eating a lot of a starchy food (rice, etc.), eat less carbs each day. If your eyes hurt just by walking outside when its sunny, wait a little, and if it still persists, increase fat intake).

You can overcome your limits with proper training, diet, and long-term strategies to change your physique. Another thing worth mentioning is the environment someone spends most of their time in will have a big impact on their development. For instance, if someone is exposed to weight training at a young age, their chances of overcoming a certain “body type” are greater due to more time under the bar than if they started later. The same goes for those who work laborious jobs and develop their physiques under the stress of manual labor. Eating right and staying consistent with work-outs will help you achieve your muscular goals!